Counselling Service
Dental Protection understands how stress can impact your practice and we want to ensure you have the support you need beyond a case or a complaint, that is why as part of your Dental Protection membership you can access up to 6 sessions of counselling through our partner ICAS for any stress which could impact upon your practice, including but not limited to burnout, anxiety or conflict.
ICAS offer a personalised and professional service tailored specifically to meet your requirements and is delivered by experienced qualified counsellors.
Members can access telephone support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and face-to-face counselling sessions can be arranged if necessary.
The service is entirely independent and confidential – anything discussed with ICAS will remain private – and accessing the service is easy.
If you would like to access ICAS, you can continue to contact an adviser at Dental Protection for a referral (please contact our advice line on 09 579 8001) or you can contact ICAS directly on
0800 464 387 and +649 973 4420 (Out of Country).